Freedom of Road Riders®, Inc.
Missouri’s Largest Motorcycle Rights Organization
What is Freedom of Road Riders®, Inc.?
Freedom of Road Riders, Inc., (FORR®) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting safety, brotherhood, and freedom for all motorcyclists.
FORR® membership is made up of motorcyclists from all walks of life, who ride all types of motorcycles and with all sorts of interests. Whether your interests center around legislative activities, motorcycle shows, charity events, or motorcycle rallies, FORR® has something to offer to you.
Members belong to one of the largest motorcycling related organizations in the State of Missouri, with Local affiliates throughout the State.
FORR® is different from most motorcycle organizations in that persons who ride ANY motorcycle or who support our freedom to ride without riding themselves can join. So regardless of whether you ride a Honda or Harley, a moped, dirt bike or an automobile, if you love motorcycling or would like to support the right to ride, you belong in Freedom of Road Riders®, Inc.
Since its inception, Freedom of Road Riders®, Inc., has had an impact on motorcycling in Missouri. Some of the issues FORR® has been involved in include:
The creation of a State Rider Education Program with FORR® training sites and instructors to help reduce motorcycle accidents.
The revision of Missouri’s helmet law to remove the serious penalties and make them comparable to seat-belt laws.
Efforts to repeal Missouri’s helmet law.
Education of our legislators on issues pertaining to motorcyclists’ rights.
Get On Board the Freedom Train!
Freedom of Road Riders® and FORR® are registered trademarks. The Winged-wheel logo is copyrighted design.